There is a web site called babelfish that could be very helpful to anyone who needs to communicate with someone in a different language. It is very easy to use this site that translates your text into your choice of many different foreign languages. I hope this is helpful to you.
This is why I love writing this column. I am still in the classroom, and there are times I need things like this. I had never heard of this site, but it was incredible. Teachers, administrators, PTA, and room moms should keep this site in mind. We need to communicate with all of our families. Even small notes about upcoming field trips, classroom projects, behavior concerns, compliments on progress, etc. can all be passed along thanks to this site. You have no idea how often I plan to use it. Here is the web address I used to find it:
The website is helpful however it does not translate your text perfeclty. I found that it will translate it literally. You may want a bilingual person to check it over before you send out your note.
Definitely double check the translation with a fluent speaker. It makes many errors, particularly in syntax, because it translates word-by-word, rather than for meaning. Also, words or verb tenses that are unrecognized go untranslated.
The site is named after a detail in Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. There was a fish you could slide into your ear that would instantly translate whatever alien language you happened to be hearing. :)
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