
Do you have a question for me?

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Anonymous said...

Why is it that every day off from school or holiday break we are forced to have homework for our children. I thought the whole idea of a break or vacation was to do just that, get a break. We spend most of our Christmas and Spring Breaks completing projects that teachers hand out the last day of school before a break starts. I don't think that teachers or the administration when they are on break take a project to complete. We can't plan to much time away, or when we do we are carrying supplies and books where ever we go. A day off or vacation needs to be respected by the teachers. This is not the time to be loading more homework onto kids. They already have way to much as it is. If it continues, I feel that teachers need to be doing questionnaire work for parents during the time off. Maybe if they enjoyed having homework during holiday time, they will rethink handing it out.

Anonymous said...

What is the value of a computer/internet college degree compared to a student attending classes at a college/university, and earning their degree there?

Anonymous said...

Since we now spend over $11,800 per student and the average teacher makes $60,000 ($2,000 / student) could you tell us where the other $9,800 is spent? How much for books & class materials, administration , pensions, etc. I look forward to your response. Best regards, J. Huber Lake Forest

Post your comments and questions

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You can also email me directly to goasktheteacher@yahoo.com

Email Ask the Teacher your education questions or comments

  • goasktheteacher@yahoo.com
