
Do you have a question for me?

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You can also email me directly to goasktheteacher@yahoo.com or for South Orange County readers, you can email me at southocteacher@yahoo.com


Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm a NYC public school teacher. I need a question answered, but I'm having a difficult time coming up with an answer for my class. Let's say it is the third month of the new school year and you have just finished a week-long unit of study that covered key grade-level standards for your students. Prior to teaching the unit, you invested significant time and effort into preparing lessons, activities, and supporting materials. However, over 50% of your students failed the end-of-unit test you administered at the end of the week. To keep up with the pacing calendar, you are expected to move on to a new topic the following week. Please describe what next steps you will take to address this situation.

Anonymous said...

i need help with my math packet and nobody knows how to do this can someone please help at my school i dont understand

Anonymous said...

I am a toddler teacher. I have been seeing an unusual behavior from a child in my classroom and don't know how to deal with the situation or if I should deal with it at all. There is a child who is social with teachers/adults and will talk to children maybe once a day. All the children in the classroom play together in small groups but this child only walks around an item in big circles all day long. If we go outside the child will begin to walk around a certain toy out there as well. It's very strange and I have never seen this behavior before. Is this normal? I spoke to the parents and they think it's the child's personality and that the child is shy. I don't believe so because the child doesn't play by himself either so it doesn't make sense that he is shy. Has anyone ever had a child with the same actions? The child speaks very well and is very smart.

Anonymous said...

When a teacher leaves her position is she able to take her materials with her (the materials bought with money given by the county)?

Unknown said...

When a teacher leaves her position, she cannot take materials purchased with County or School Money. Those materials were for her classroom, not for her personal use. There can be some exceptions, but the teacher should consult with her principal. Many times, teachers are moved grades or to a new school and they take lots of materials with them to their new assignment. This leaves their classroom lacking for the teacher coming in to take over. It is unfair. The materials should be left there and there should be materials in the new assignment. Talk to your principal if you are wondering about specific items. Sometimes principals will allow you to take certain things and not others.

Blondiee2014 said...

I need help with my american history paper, its about the Intolerable Acts. Its an acrostic.
Like this:
I-in spite of...
N-north americas colonies..
T-the quatering act...
and so on. i need help with the o,r, a(in intolerable),l and e please help, its due tomorrow. thanks (:
-anonymous 8th grader

Unknown said...

I don't generally help with homework on this site, so you'll have to do this on your own. Here is a tip, type in the Intolerable Acts and find a site like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intolerable_Acts

Then find ways to explain what you learn using your beginning letters. It would be great if someone would do it for you and give you ideas, but that is not what a teacher, like me, will do. I will point you in the direction and tell you "YOU CAN DO THIS!!!" Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Who found Antartica and Greenland?

Anonymous said...

If you had a classroom that had several different ethnic and religious groups how would you create an atmosphere of tolerance, acceptance within the classrooms? Any tips would be hel.pful

Manerva said...

1-A radio operates with a potential difference of 9 volts. The radio uses 0.9 watt of power. How much current does the radio use?

Teacher example/formula show how to solve the variables

P= i x V

Manerva said...

1-A radio operates with a potential difference of 9 volts. The radio uses 0.9 watt of power. How much current does the radio use?

Teacher example/formula show how to solve the variables

P= i x V

Anonymous said...

what are the disadvantages of untrained staff

Asimina Boutzoukas said...

Hello. I am producing various 10 minute YouTube videos to be used inside a Social Studies Classroom setting. I am looking for potential topics that teachers would like to have. Here are some ideas:
1) Women in Congress
2) Lives of Presidents when they were young
3) Typical day in the life of a Member of Congress.

Would you use these?

Post your comments and questions

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You can also email me directly to goasktheteacher@yahoo.com

Email Ask the Teacher your education questions or comments

  • goasktheteacher@yahoo.com
